Saturday, December 19, 2009


                                     I Must Be Getting Old

----- I’m sure we older siblings have had some experiences that indicate to us that maybe just maybe we are getting old a little older. Well, something happened to me the other day that did just that to me and I thought ya’ll may find a little amusing. Although I was alone it embarrassed me never the less. So here we go.

----- The other day I was sitting on my throne dans La Salle de bains, (bathroom). When I completed the business at hand I stood and attempted to pull up my pants. Well the coiled up jeans slipped out of my hands. Huh, go figure. The first thing I thought of was that the material just slipped out of my hands. So I try it again by grasping real tight and pulling up. I couldn’t do it. I could not pull them up. Huh, now what. But I didn’t give up yet. The next idea was that possibly the pants legs slipped into my deck shoes and I was standing on them. Not that farfetched. I kick off my shoes and attempt this difficult task once again. This time I pull so hard I almost fell back onto that throne of mine I mentioned earlier and I know I felt a sharp pain in both my ankles. Still I failed. Now I’m thinking with no shoes on it must be that I’m standing on the pants legs. So, I jerk on the bottom of the legs of my pants to be sure there is no part of those damn jeans under my feet. All clear for another test run. I grasp not only the waist but also the pockets and about another four inches below the pockets and again I pull. No good, I c-a-n-n-o-t get my pants up. Now I worry because I’m thinking get the phone call 911 and have the medics cut the things off me before I lose circulation in my feet or wake up Cheryl for assistance. At the time I couldn’t make up my mine which would be worse. So I decide in my panic state that I should do just a little more investigation before I go to those extremes, right? I found the problem. And I’ll tell you what it was by asking ya’ll a question. Have any of you ever tried to pull up your pants with your damn draws around your ankles.

----- I began laughing hysterically to a point of tears. As I walked out of the bathroom I ran smack into Cheryl who was just waking up from working a 12 hour shift the night before. She looks at me crying from laughter and asks, “What were you doing in there that is so funny.” I could only reply by looking her in the eyes and saying, “Taking a S _ _ T.” She just shook her head, went into the bathroom and closed the door behind her. That was the only time we ever mentioned the incident.

----- So I guess I have to admit that, “I Must Be Getting Old Older.” I sure hope you are all amused by my simple disaster.

----- Later,

--- L-U-A,

----- Peter/DPOPPA

----- P.S. I didn't have any poor circulation to my feet and no damage to either one of my ankles. Go figure !!!!! Then let me know what it is you figured out !!!!!

----- Later,