Wednesday, April 29, 2009



The oldest of our siblings. And I don’t mean that in a mean or ugly way. It just means that you have had attention and love longer from this family than the rest of us. And deservingly so.
Fragile and worm hearted. Strong and enduring. Never has anything bad to say about any one. Has always seemed to be willing to sit in the background quietly with little or no attention. Always willing to help and comfort one when needed.
Simone, let me share with you some of the things I remember about my big sister that I will never forget.
My first memory was how skinny you were when we were younger. You, Larry, Ronnie and myself rough housing in the front yard along with Flossie. Remember our pet ?? Hearing Mom screaming at the top of her lungs at us to “ya’ll better stop that before one of you gets hurt. Don’t come running to me if one of you starts to cry.” Now who else would we go running to if not her if we were hurt or crying ?? We used to play pretty rough with each other and many times ended up in fights. I can remember when we would end up fighting and I don’t mean arguing I mean FIGHTING. Flossie would get between us and stop us from hurting each other. True story in my eyes. That was one H _ _ L of a dog.
I also remember parties at the house when You and Larry would have your friends over for a dance party. Ya’ll were so close in age that almost all of your friends were the same. Kenneth, Anaise, Jennette, Fred, Yancy and many others. Ronnie and I would be allowed to watch for a short period of time then we would have to leave the room because we were “Too Young.” But before we were dismissed Dad would put on an Elvis Presley song one of you would give me a broom to pretend it was my microphone and I would imitate Elvis by singing and dancing like him with my microphone in hand. You remember that ?? I don’t know if every one enjoyed it or if they all thought I was just a fool. But it was fun and gave Ronnie and I just a little more time up before being sent to bed.
Music and dancing was always a big part of our lives. Daddy used to have so much fun putting on those Record Hops every Sunday afternoon at the American Legion Hall. I can still see him standing on stage swaying to the music and watching every one dance. Especially his children. Man those were such good times. Don’t you think so Simone ?
Our summer vacations were so simple. Cabins on Grand Isle for a week. Such simpler times yet so enjoyable. How many times the three of you would bury me in the sand because it was getting late and I was getting cold. If Mom and Dad knew I was cold we would have to go back to the cabin till the next day. So I was buried to try to keep me warm and most of all to keep my mouth shut so we could stay on the beach longer. And crabbing on the beach. Great crabs that became our supper for that night. WOW!!!!
When you quite high school and moved to New Orleans to attend Beauty School. I remember going to N.O. with Mom and Dad to visit you at your school. I don’t recall the name but I know it was on Canal St. and very close to the river. You introduced us to every one and I heard some comments from some on how you were right that I was a handsome boy. I was so proud that you talked about me in that way however I do think some of them were men who were gay. (LOL) But what I do remember the most is every one at school called you Sim. I asked you if you liked that name and you looked at me and said “no I hate that name.” I made a mental note not to ever call you that and I never said that name again. I also remember you coming home for a week end from time to time and you always had a different color of hair. And I don’t mean your normal blond, brunette, or red head I’m talking orange, purple and green.
Than Joe came into your life and our time together was a lot less. I couldn’t understand it at the time but of course now I know you were in LOVE. Ya’ll were married and at one point moved to Boute. You were working at a beauty salon on the West Bank. One day I went to visit you at work and you asked me to do you a favor. It was Joe’s birthday and you did not have time to get his gift so you asked me to pick it up for you. Do you remember what you asked me to buy for him?? A railroad watch. He really loved that watch. I believe that is when Joe truly became my friend instead of some one trying to take my big sister away from me. All the times I would go to ya’ll house, sorry trailer, in Boutte and drinking many, many little Miller Ponies.
Eventually Donaldsonville became ya’lls resident where ya’ll would raise your family. Those were good times too. We would go there for Hurricanes. Nancy would cook great food. We met the rest of Joe’s family. Than Guy was born and later, much later, Minta came along. And you spent your time raising your family. And I must add did one H_ _ L of a great job. It is such a pleasure to see and talk to Guy and Minta. They are both so nice, respectable and well adjusted adults. I love both of them very much even if I don’t see them as often as I would like.
Than Joe unfortunately pass on. I’m not going to dwell on this for I know it’s a sore spot for us all. But I do remember that day in the hospital when he died. I loss a very, very good close friend that day. But what hurt me the most was seeing and felling your pain. And just like yourself, I’ll love him forever.
I will always remember how strong you have been with all your medical problems. You never loss your great sense of humor. Nothing seems to ever bother you when it comes to yourself but any one else and you have always been there. You are amazing.
One more thing I remember which is very important to me. Momma always used to say that you cried from the time you were born until you started school then you never cried again. Upon my return from Vietnam when Mom, Dad, Rosie and myself got out the car from the airport everyone was waiting for me inside the house. But I remember you did not stay inside the house. You came out the door and met me on the porch, hugged me and began to cry. I can’t remember what we said to each other. But I DO remember you crying in my arms and heard the words clearly in my ears what Mom used to say about you not ever crying. That memory, that one moment has been and always will be burned in my heart and soul for all eternity.
Simone I will always cherish these things about you, your fragile soul, your gentleness, your kindness, your love and most of all your friendship. Fore you my oldest sibling, are not only my sister but you have always been and remain still today a very, very dear and close Friend.
I will love you always.
Your Little Brod. And Pal

P.S. To all my other great sisters, I would greatly appreciate it if at least one of you would make sure our “Oldest Sibling” sees this.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


"The House of The Raising Sun" done by the Animals is surely one of the most popular songs ever written about New Orleans. Its been around for years. I know all of you have heard it. Not too long ago I heard a song that sounds just like it but the words were changed. I only heard the first verse. So I began to add other words to it. I don't want to take credit for it being completely my idea, but I wanted to contribute to it. Remember these words/verses go to the same music as "The House of The Raising Sun."

There is a team in New Orleans,
That seldom win a game,
And I don't want to embarrass them,
So I wont tell you their name.

The owner sells a lot of cars you know,
Thru out the teams land,
But the only time he is satisfied,
Is when he dances under his umbrella.

The fans they wear paper bags on their heads,
and shout things thru out the croud,
Like "Who dat, Who dat, you say,"
Gonna beat my team today.

Now fans tell your children,
Not to follow this team no more,
They look very good on the field you know,
But they'll never make the Super Bowl.

One foots on my tailgate,
The other is on Poydras,
I'm going in the dome today,
To see who dat,who dat, gonna beat my team today.

Ahhhhh, There is a team in New Orleans,
That seldom win a game,
And I don't want to embaress them,
So I wont tell you their name.

Contribute if you like. And don't get me wrong, I will die a S_ _ _ _ S fan. And I have never worn a paper bag on my face, but I usually have been drinking when I watch a game on TV.

Hope you like it.
Peter Dgreat.


O.K. Lil sis, in one of your blogs you asked me to "show you what I got."Well try this on for size.(Oh this is for the rest of you too, I don't want to leave any one out.) But for my lil sister Lilly this is a NA,NA,NA,NA,NA. (LOL), (I SAID LOL)

This is a little poem I wrote some time back. Some of it is fiction and some true. I'm sure ya'll will be able to pick out the truth from the fiction.
The Rain Keeps Falling

Is it rain on my cheeks I feel or is it tears in my eyes ?
When I meet you now in the street I never know,
If it’s a cloud in the sky or my heart that has burst open.
I see you from across the street, hand in hand looking so sweet.
And I think how lucky he is, like I was when it was me.
When you walked away, my soul died.
But I remember the hot humid days when we waited for a gentle
Summer rain and go strolling down the walk.
And the rain keeps running down my cheeks.
So now I walk in the rain alone to hide the tears in my eyes.
When you walked away, familiar faces became only strangers.
And strangers in the night became my lone companionship.
But I remember the warm summer nights with a slight cool breeze blowing through the open window, and us sharing our souls.
A world without you is like that window being shut on my life leaving my essence hot, stuffy and without a spirit to share with any one else, ever.
I tried to forget, I tried to move on, I tried to find someone else, but my heart just keeps reminding me that you are the only one.
So I suffer in the darkness of night praying for The Dawn to rescue me from my sorrowfulness.
But I remember an era of our lives when we loved and made love and lay in each others arms silently, but yet, each of us hearing the loving pounding of our hearts.
I don’t know if God will allow me to enter Heaven, but if he should there is one thing I know for sure, you will be there, or will be coming, hopefully soon after.
I’ll love you forever, even in the Heavens after death.
Peter Collins


Hi Avery body,

Ever since I saw the movie "The Time Machine" I have been fascinated with the concept of time travel. I was a very young boy when I saw this great movie. So as soon as the librarian at the Golden Meadow Library thought I was old enough to read and understand Jules Vernes book "The Time Machine" I ansiously checked out the book. I couldn't put the book down. I was more fascinated with the book than the movie.

Then the movie "Planet of The Apes" came out. I was still pretty young. I was in N.O. with Daddy putting in an order of records for the studio and record shop. While we waited for the order to be filled, Daddy toke me to the old Sanger Theater on Canal St. to see "Planet of The Apes." We both really enjoyed that movie. We had a good time. I thought I was so special for Dad to ask me to go with him to the big N.O. and then take me to such a great movie. (P.S. We also had breakfast on the way in none other then the city of Boute. I was big shoot that day.)

I have seen several time travel movies since then and I pretty much love or at least like them all.

I truly believe Man at some time in history will develop a means of Time Travel. I just fell that this is going to happen. It would be the ultimate means of transportation. I believe this going to be the topic of the next story I'm going to attempt to write.

But here is a thought I need to work on. If man will and does develop a means of time travel,which I think he will, then where are all the people from the future ??? I want to try and explain this in my story so I thought ya'll would contribute your ideas and thoughts on the subject.



Hello ever body Hello,

I always thought that the following words were great for raising children. Hope you like it. It could also be used in our own lives. As long as the thoughts are good one.

A single thought can change the direction of my life,
for a thought held long enough becomes an attitude,
and an attitude held long enough becomes a behavior.


Saturday, April 25, 2009






Take advantage of this good idea, I don't get them too often.
I would like us to start a Family Receipt Book.Just keep in mind these recipes have to be original, nothing from other cook books. And they have to be very specific. Like, not only ingredients but how much to use, how to cook,how long to cook, when to add different ingredients,etc.and how many it will feed, about.And I don't want to hear I don't know how to cook from anyone, except maybe Celena,(just kidding C. but make sure it's not Mardi Gras beads O.K. because that makes a mess, (LOL)
Now Lilly you have the biggest advantage because you live the closest to Mom. And although we all know that Mom has Damentatreea, (and I know I spelled it right without having to do spell check, ya'll should be ashamed of yourselves having to do spell checks on such words.) I would be willing to bet she has not forgotten some of her best meals and I know you have the ability to pull them out of her. In fact I think it would be good for her memory.
One thing we need to do is pick a name to call it. Come on lets hear some ideas.

Please do not submit you ideas for a name or recipes here. I 'm getting ready to open 2 new blogs just for this but I will give you the first of mine which is for white beans.

Put dis much water 2 a pott. Add dis much of da beans.put som salt. Cook fo dis long and put dat on som rice, dats cook rice now Celena.And if you got any of dem beans left over you make a bean soup. But dats be a different restapee.(please don't send me these type of stuff, I really am serious about this.)
Look for my 2 new blogs on this and I hope to hear from all of you sooner or later.
P.S. If anyone can tell me how to marinade fish I need this ASAP, like NOW. Thanks.



"Come Heaven,Hell or High Water,But There Will Be Fishing "
I know of a fishing place.I don't know exactly where it is but I'm going there, I hope. The fishing is so good fish jump into the boat while you wait for a good "Bite." It's never crowded in fact there is only one boat there always. Ice chest and ice chest of fish, good fish.Every day there is at least one ice chest each of reds,one of flounder,one of specs and of course one of crabs.and all that is caught is instantly cleaned and ready for the frying pan.I bet ya'll are questioning me on this place but before I'm done with this story ALL will believe me.In my mind I can see one fisherman on the boat with a 2 by 4 and a wench pulling in one big red after another. As fast as he can put his line in he gets a bite and wrenches it in. So big the other fisherman have to help him put it in the boat.Theres another fisherman with a double lure pulling in 2 specs at a time. And this other one fishing flounder on a fly rod and catching them so big you can stuff them with whole shrimp.And to no surprise another is throwing a castnet and catching shrimp for those stuffings so big they go from your finger tips all the way to your elbow.But of course he is also catching smaller one for the Gumbo,(you don't want them all too big.) This place really exist,really. There is even one fisherman who is crabing and catching all female crabs for that Gumbo. But we gonna boil some cause I love them grab eggs boiled.Still not convienced huh. There is even a fisherman there who just can't do without his crawfish and he's bringing them in all hugh and so red they are black.Still don't believe me ? I'm telling you this is all true. I know all this is true and I going there. Don't know when or where but I'm going. I know how to convience you. I'll even tell you who the fisherman are. Would that make you a believer ? All of you even know all of these fisherman.Here we go the fisherman are the best anyone has ever seen, they are:
Daddy, Joe, Larry, Pat and Doc. Now I bet you believe me don't you ? I told you by the end of my story you would be a believer.
I don't know if it's Heaven, Hell or some other place but I know they are all together and that is where I want to go when it's my time to leave this world and move on. The worst part of all this is they are looking at us and laughfing their buts off because we fell sorry for them cause they are no longer with us. Think they care with all that fishing and fun going on ? I Think Not.

Friday, April 24, 2009


At this time I cannot comment about my experiences in Vietnam. Not going to happen, O.K. But I would like to share with you my general fellings about the militery. Not the Government but the people who fight to keepus safe and free at home here in the U.S.A.

I wrote this for my customers who were in the service or had family members in the service overseas when I had my Daiquiria shop.

I hope you enjoy this.

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You

I Saw In Louisiana A Live-Oak Growing

I saw in Louisiana a live-oak growing,
All alone stood it and the moss hung down from the branches,
Without any companion it grew there uttering joyous leaves of
dark green,
And its look , rude, unbending, lusty, made me think of myself,
But I wonder’d how it could utter joyous leaves standing
alone there without its friend near, for I knew I could not,
And I broke off a twig with a certain number of leaves,
upon it and twined around it a little moss,
And brought it away, and I have placed it in sight in my room,
It is not needed to remind me as of my own dear friends,
(For I believe lately I think of little else than of them,)
Yet it remains to me a curious token, it makes me think
of manly love ;
For all that, and though the live-oak glistens there in
Louisiana solitary in a wide flat space,
Uttering joyous leaves all its life without a friend a lover near,
I know very well ,,I could not. ( By Walt Whitman)

Many young people from Louisiana ,in the military, we watched grow, like the live-oak .
They stand alone, for the moss hanging from their branches represents the families, friends and loved ones they leave behind. And still they glow like the joyous leaves of dark green.
Their look , could be me looking into a mirror at a younger age. This is why it made me think of myself.
At one time in my life I did the job they are doing. But today without my family and friends near me, I know I could not.
The broken twig is each person, the leaves are prayers and the moss twined around it is the hope for a safe and speedy return home.
Their love for mankind is what makes me think of manly love.
Hopefully they will all come back as glistening live-oaks to the solitary, wide, flat space of Louisiana .
I look at the big picture of the job that they do and
I know very well I could not. (by Peter Collins)
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the men and women in our armed forces. They should be very proud for the sacrifices they make and for the very good job they do of keeping us safe and our country free. I wish God to give each and every one of them a safe and speedy return back home.
Thank You Very Much, Peter Collins, “Poppa.”

Remember although you are all my sisters, you are all also my friend. Try to connect this to what you have read above.


Thursday, April 23, 2009


Hi Ya'll, It's Me Again.
We all suffered a great loss not so very long ago. Our brother Larry. Larry always called me Bro,Lilly, and I know you said it bothered you that he always called you "Sis." But that was Larry. And now you say how much you miss that, so do I. I really don't know what he called our other siblings, I'm assuming it was the same. But the word "Bro" was always used between him and I. I always looked at it as a special bonding between him and I.
I know that there was things that happened between Larry and some of you. I cannot say if any of it was true or not . I just don't know. But I'm not going to address those issues. I just don't want to. Everyone has to deal with those issues own their own. SORRY,for those who may have been affected in any way. But that's all I have to say about that.
I will say these things about my "Bro." I lived with Larry in Brownsville, TX. and worked with him on a shrimp boat for almost two years. We made a lot of money, I mean A LOT OF MONEY, for the times. Larry died a poor man with hardly nothing to show for all his hard work. Do ya'll know why ? He gave ever thing he ever had or earned away.If Larry had or owned something and you wanted it all you had to do was ask for it and it was yours. This to me makes him a very GENEROUS person.
Larry was a little strange as we all know. He would show up some times unannounced and stay for as long as he wanted. He was strange in other ways also as ya'll all know. I'm sure he was strange differently to each one of us. But at no time, not ever did Larry do or show any disrespect to me,Cheryl or either one of my children,Ever. This to me means that he was RESPECTABLE in his own way.
As I said I worked with Larry on a shrimp boat but I also worked side by side with him on other occasions doing different jobs and projects. And I'm here to tell you he was one hard working man. He was almost impossible to keep up with,for me any way. I know of only one other person who could out work Larry and that is Uncle Luke. I worked with him also. He was also impossible. You never,ever,EVER want to work side by side with Uncle Luke and Larry.(LOL) I wasn't there but I was told more than once that they worked together when Uncle Luke had a crew that Larry was on. Them two would out work a crew of four or five men. And put them to shame. Uncle Luke had a hard time keeping a crew because of this. And he didn't care because he had Larry on his side. This means to me that he was a HARD WORKING MAN.
To the best of my knowledge and my knowledge on this is very deep. Larry always did right by his children. He always loved them was proud of them and cared for them to make sure they always had what ever they needed.He was so oh so very proud of them. It must be even harder on Thaisy and Yuri then it is on any of us. I can't imagine what they have been going thru. This means to me that he was a very GOOD FATHER.
He was not only "MY BRO" but he was a very good friend to me. I will always miss him.
So lets reflec on this and what it might mean:Larry "My Bro" was Generous,Respectable,Hard Working and a Good Father.
I wish that when Im gone from this Earth someone could and would say of me , "He was Generous, Respectable,Hard Working and a Good Father. I can only hope and wish that I can live up to the standers of "MY BRO."
Peter, Your Bro.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Tuesday April 21st 2009
My First Entry
Thoughts but no cigar
Yesterday I sat at my computer. I wanted to reply to the wonderful,loving words written about me by my two sisters Lilly and Ronnie.But before I could respond it began raining upon my keyboard. Then my eyes would no longer focus on the keys. So I could not.
I will hope and wish that one day,with time,the rain will cease,my eyes will clear and then I'll be able to and will.
Until that time I can only say,