Wednesday, September 2, 2009



----- It’s early Sunday morning August 30th 2009. Cheryl and I have boarded our Subaru Forester and are heading for Spring Texas. Irene is having a memorial mass to celebrate Larry’s birthday. Spring is just North of Houston. I hate, I mean absolutely HATE to go to Houston so I’m going to try to avoid going through the city. How you ask ?? I’m going to take hwy. 105 from Beaumont to Conroe. (I have not used this hwy. in years.) Then travel south from Conroe to Spring. Then use the directions I got from Goggle Maps and the address Thaisy E-mailed me to attempt to find the Church. We were supposed to meet everyone at 12:30 p.m. for a 1:00 p.m. mass. We got lost 3 times. We always get lost 3 times. I mean, like, this is a family tradition. Any time we go anywhere we get lost 3 times. We finally made it to the right street and are now looking for the address of the church. We are checking the address on the buildings on the right hand side because we figured the address is even numbered on this side. We went up and down the street 3 times. Yes, I said 3. I told you family tradition. I finally pull up into any church parking lot knowing that this is not the correct church. I attempt to call Thaisy and I’m told phone is not in service by some uncaring voice which is only a recording, of course. So I attempt to call Yuri. Ahhh, he answers only to tell me that he is following Thaisy and don’t know where the church is and that I should call Thaisy. Did that already Yuri. He says “I’ll call Thaisy and have her call you right back.” While waiting for Thaisy’s phone call I look at the church mail box and see the address which is one number off the address we are looking for. Guess what ?? Yep, we are right across the street from the church we are looking for. We just never looked on that side of the street. Thaisy calls, we explain what the deal is and she tells us she will be there in 4 minutes. They have GPS in Ray’s truck. How nice.


----- About 4-5 minutes after Cheryl and I have crossed the street in drives Thaisy, Kass and Ray in Ray’s truck. Right behind them is Yuri and his girl friend whom we met for the first time. We all say our hellos and get our kissed hugs and chit chat a minute. I felt all the hugs were really nice and heart felt. You know what I mean ?? Really good, sincere hugs, like, everyone really meant them. It was a really special hello… Then we all go inside the church and there to greet us at the door was Irene. I believed she got teary eyed when she saw us. I don’t believe she expected to see Cheryl and myself there. More hellos and hugs all around. We also met several people who were good friends with Larry and Irene and they all told me to make sure I said hello to Mom. Mom visited Larry and Irene and met all these people and they all wanted to tell her hi. So make sure one of you tells her, OK ??


----- Saint James the Apostle Catholic Church was beautiful. I wish I could give ya’ll a detailed description but it would take me another 3 or 4 pages to do so. But I will tell you this, there was, like, an indention in the wall behind the alter where there was Jesus on the cross. It was no little hole it was very large. I estimate the cross to be about 20-25 feet tall. Forward from that on each side was a very large flat screen T.V. where they would flash up the words to the songs the choir was singing. Very nice to sing along. Except the mass was all in Spanish so the songs and the words on the screen of course were Spanish, which was about useless to us but nice never the less.


----- The mass was a full mass with singing and the whole thing. This was the church and the mass Larry enjoyed the best. The entire mass was done in Spanish, which was very nice. It kind of reminded me of the French masses “down the baya” except in Spanish. Larry and Irene would rotate between this mass and the English version every other week. The music was real nice and I suspected that’s only one reason Larry enjoyed coming to this mass. There were 3 Spanish Guitar players and 7 singers doing the different vocals. Some times I felt like I was at a Fiesta and wanted to dance. The music reminded me of Mexico when Larry and Loupe would take me partying. But I didn’t dance with Cheryl being with me and all. (LOL) Although I didn’t understand the words the mass was the same and you could tell what was going on. It was a really beautiful mass. We enjoyed it. Irene kept apologizing for the mass being in Spanish and I had to keep reinforcing her how much we enjoyed it and was glad she invited us.


----- To celebrate Irene brought everyone to Larry’s favorite Mexican restaurant which was owned by Irene’s son. We met the son who was a very nice man and greeted us with great respect. We were served our drinks of choice and water. Then came bowls of different dips with chips. The chips were very, very light. You could almost see through them. I know I tried. I first tried the red dip which was kind of hot as most Mexican salsa dips are. Next I tried the green dip which I thought would be guacamole type of dip. NOOOOT. It was so hot I started choking on it. I mean HOOOOT. I started using the red dip to try and cool my mouth off. It was so hot I became dumbfounded and didn’t think about drinking the cool drinks in front of me. Cheryl had to remind me. So if ya’ll should go out to eat with Irene, her family and / or her friends,,,, DON’T EAT NOTHING GREEN. (LOL,LOL) After the choking event came the main meal which was done in buffet style. There was refried beans, Mexican rice, both flour and corn tortillas, both chicken and beef grilled with onions and other veggies in there. The chicken and beef were in different trays not mixed together. All was very good. It matched any of the Mexican restaurants we ever ate at before. All was good, the atmosphere, the food and the company.


----- Now it was time for everyone to leave and there were more kisses and hugs all round. (Even Ray is getting used to me hugging him,,, but no kisses Ray,OK. Ha, Ha.) Of course the good-buy hugs and kisses are not quite as nice because everyone is going their separate ways instead of saying hello. But still nice. Irene thanked me over and over again for coming. She was touched by us all. We all made promises to get together again and more often. Thaisy, Kass, Ray and Yuri are thinking of coming down some time for Mardi Gras. They always wanted to do Mardi Gras but never got the chance. Maybe next one. I hope so.


----- Coming back home was a nice ride for Cheryl and I. We had enjoyed our day and all the company. And if any of you ever need to get any where north of Houston I do recommend you take hwy. 105 from Beaumont to Conroe then get on North I-45. There are a few small towns you go through where the speed limit slows down and a few traffic lights but it sure beats going through Houston
----- L-U-A,
-------- Peter

1 comment:

  1. Hey Pete,
    I didn't realize you guys were going to go up there and I am so glad ya'll did to represent the family.
    I almost spit out my coffee this morning from laughter at the statement about the green dip,
    so funny, thanks for sharing in such detail,
    it was almost like I was there but I didn't get the hugs,
    and unlike you, Ray loves to hug and kiss me hahahahahahahahahha
